Balance & Renew Massage LLC
Bringing balance to your body one massage at a time!



The Studio will be Closed 27 January - 5 February 2025.

In a world of busy schedules and deadlines, I want to help you achieve a balanced, renewed body and clear mind so you can perform at your optimal level.  Massage is a body-mind connection via the skin.  The skin, our largest organ acts as our outer brain filtering messages to our nervous system.  This complex but natural communication system mingles with past and present influences and impacts the state of our health and wellness.  Massage feels good because it's based on the natural flow of our body.

Massage therapy is an ancient therapeutic modality known for enhancing the flow of body fluid, reducing muscular tension and promoting relaxation. Through the physical manipulation of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue, massage creates a total sense of well-being and is effective for combating and relieving stress.

Massage therapy has an impressive range of physical, mental and emotional benefits.